September 8, 2024

Adapting for the Future: US Hospitals and the Aging Population

The demographic shift towards an aging population in the United States presents significant challenges and opportunities for the healthcare sector, particularly for hospitals. As life expectancy increases and the baby boomer generation enters retirement age, hospitals are facing a growing demand for specialized care tailored to the unique needs of older adults. Managing Complex Medical […]

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Current Affairs

Addressing Challenges of an Aging Population in 2024: Providing Support for the Elderly in the United States

New data from the Census Bureau reveals that the U.S. population is older than ever before, with the nation’s median age now over 38. Implications for the Economy, Workforce, and Social Programs Increasing Median Age Across States Between 2021 and 2022, nearly every state in the U.S. saw an increase in its population’s median age. […]

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